Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Soutzoukakia*(Smyrna meat balls with red sauce)


And that's not because it has something that can kill you, but because you cannot eat only one normal portion... you have to finish the casserole. You leave the kitchen and you're afraid that someone else is going to eat the last piece and you're gonna miss it out. You dream about it... You even take the last piece out of your sister's mouth (...never happened!)

Soutzoukakia (meat balls with red sauce)
For the soutzoukakia
1/2kg minced meat from veal
2 slices of bread (2 days old)
1 clove of garlic
salt, pepper, cumin (a bit less than a teaspoon)

Moisture the bread and crumble it on the meat. Mix all the ingredients together.
Mold the mixture like meat balls but give them a more cylindrical shape.
Fry them in butter mixed with olive oil.
Leave them aside.

For the red sauce
Clean the remaining butter-oil mixture from the meat that may have been left over and transfer it in a deeper pot. Add 1/2kg tomatoes (passed from the multi chopper or ultimate chopper or that pot with the really sharp blades anyway). Season with salt, pepper, sugar and cumin. Cook for 5minutes and then add a cup of dry wine (red, white, it doesn't matter). Cook it for another 15minutes until the sauce is not watery anymore. Add the soutzoukakia and cook for 10 minutes.
Accompany it with rice or french fries!


*Soutzoukaki, pl. soutzoukakia

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