Friday, August 3, 2012

Chicken with red sauce in the oven

Chicken: Kids' favorite!

Ask your butcher to cut a whole chicken into pieces. Marinate the pieces into a mixture of olive oil, salt, pepper, oregano, garlic, chopped tomatoes and their juice and a bit of sugar. Keep it in the frigde for about 15 minutes.

Chicken with red sauce in the oven
After the 15 minutes, take the chicken and put it in an oven pan, as it is with its marinade. For extra flavour you can spread around 2-3 tea spoons of butter and you can add a cup of dry red or white wine. Add 2 glasses of water and bake it for 40-50 minutes at 220o C.

Accompany it with creamy rice or french fries and your kids will love you even more!


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