Friday, August 3, 2012

Meat with kritharaki* (special pasta)

This dish is also a super traditional one and a classic Sunday lunch! It's easy to prepare but it does require some time. It's delicious and I always get excited when the house smells of it.

Meat with kritharaki
So here we go taking 1kg of nicely cut pieces of veal (neck or shoulder) and frying it with chopped onion in a deep casserole with 2 table spoons of olive oil until it gets brown all around. When the veal is well secured from all sides, we add 2 grated tomatoes, salt, pepper and a bit of sugar. Add water enough to cover the meat and let it boil. It requires 45-60 minutes, depending on the size of the pieces.

In an oven pan or a pyrex, spread the kritharaki, season it with salt and pepper and then add the meat with its sauce. Bake it for 30-40 minutes at 190-200o C.

The water that is left in the casserole with the meat has to be 3 1/2 times the amount of kritharaki before you pour it into the oven pan or pyrex. So the proportion is 1 part of kritharaki - 3 1/2 parts water (the sauce of the meat in this case).

*Kritharaki is a special kind of pasta made from barley and it is very very popural is Greek cuisine. We love it!!


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