Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Meat with eggplant

Take 1kg eggplants, cut them into cubes and put them into a big bowl with plenty of water and salt. We do this to un-bitter the eggplants.
Boil the meat  (1 kg of veal shoulder or neck, cut into pieces) untill it becomes tender.

Meat with eggplant
In a deep casserole, fry the pieces of eggplant in 2 table spoons of olive oil(make sure that you have drained the eggplants by simply squeezing them in your hand). Add the pieces of meat, 1 chopped onion, 2 green peppers in thin slices, 2 grated tomatoes, 1 glove of garlic into thin slices as well, a handful of parsley, pepper and salt. Now for the salt, you gotta try it because if you remember your eggplant has already been season with salt when we put it in the bowl with the water. Try it and sprinkle accordingly.
Add enough water so as to cover half of the food (half and a bit more) and let it boil for about 15 minutes.
Transfer the food as it is with all its juices into an oven pan and let it in the oven at 220o C until it "drinks" all of its juices and only the olive oil gives a nice texture to your ingredients!


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