Sunday, August 12, 2012

Potato Pie with peppermint

Well, well.. today I have an alternative way of making a pie. Just to specify that a pie can take different kind of forms.. as long as there is the regular fillo-stuffing, it's called pie! It can be small and looking like triangle, it can be round, it can be square, it can be open, closed, semi-open..
Here, I used the so called Cypriot pies, they look like the Lebanese pies with the little pocket.

Potato Pie
10 Cypriot pies
8 medium size potatoes
Salt, Pepper, Olive oil, Peppermint (dry or fresh)

Boil the potatoes into plenty of salted water until they become soft (try them with a fork).
Let them cool, and when you feel comfortable to touch them, peel them off.
Squeeze them with the potato squeezing gadget or, if not available, with a fork. Make a nice puree, add the olive oil (approximately 2 table spoons - you gotta try and see if you need more), the salt, pepper and peppermint. Mix them nicely and set aside.

Take the Cypriot pies steep them carefully so that they don't break. Steep them inside-out, but don't soak them wet. We do this, because as they are already prepared and ready to eat, they will be more sensitive in the oven that we are going to put them later to complete our pie. So if they are wet, they won't get burnt.

Lastly, spread some of the filling around the pie, and inside of it if you want, and then roll it around itself.
Continue with all the pies. Set the rollings into an oven pan. Spatter some water on the top of the pies, make some small holes here and there with a fork and bake them for 20 minutes at 180o C.



  1. Geo why there is no a ''like'' button??? Lucky the man who gonna get married to you, kitchen guru!!!

  2. Aww! Thanks a lot! there are buttons to FB like it, to Twitter tweet it and to Google+ plus it! Right beneath the recipe and right above the comment section!
