Monday, August 13, 2012

Potatoes in the casserole (yiahni)

Potatoes yiahni is again very easy to prepare and it can work as a side dish as well!

Fry in a casserole a chopped onion with one cut green pepper into 2 table spoons of olive oil. Add the potatoes that you have previously peeled off and cut into pieces. Stir them around for 4-5 minutes until they take a nice crust from the outside.
Add two grated tomatoes, salt, pepper, a bit of sugar and oregano or peppermint. After 2 minutes add enough water to cover the potatoes and let it boil. Right before the potatoes are done, stir them carefully with a wooden spoon so as they don't stuck at the bottom. The juice that is left has to be thick (and not watery, like in the photo).


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