Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Dessert with semolina (Halvas)

Halwa in arabic means sweet.." anti halwa" is actually a very common phrase that men use to flirt with girls (innocent!)
Then in turkish that will be halva and then the Greeks took it and transformed it into this delicious, light desert!

1 glass of olive oil
2 glasses of semolina
3 glasses of sugar (not 
4 glasses of water
1 cinnamon stick
3 carnation sticks
200gr nuts 
Cinnamon powder

In a casserole, put the olive oil and the semolina and keep stirring them together till they get roasted - for 20-30 minutes (a very delicious smell will cover the air.. not the smell of burnt but the smell of the roasted deliciousness!). Let it aside. 
In another casserole or pot, add the water, the sugar, the cinnamon stick and the carnation sticks. In medium fire melt the sugar. Don't make syrop.. we don't need syrop. We just want to melt the sugar!
In the casserole with the semolina, add the nuts and roast them for 1-2 minutes. 

Then pour the sugar/water mixture into the casserole with the semolina and stir thoughly until it makes a sound like "floup floup" and small bubbles come out on the surface. Then after a 4-5 minutes, remove from the fire (when the bubbles become big and threatening.

Spread the mixture in and oven pan or in different types of coupe pate and let it cool!
Season on the top some cinnamon powder and here you have a quick and delicious desert!

Dessert with semolina


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