Monday, August 6, 2012

Meze with eggplant

I'm sure you are all familiar with tzatziki dip.. the one with yogurt, cucumber and garlic. It's one of a kind and you sometimes find yourself willing to die for it (or because of it!*)
Meze with eggplant

Here, we have another dip, or meze would be more accurate.

Take a big eggplant, wash it nicely and put it in the oven. 200-220o C on a baking paper. The baking time will depend on the size of the eggplant; try to squeeze it with a fork and if it is soft and easily squeezable, it's ready. The eggplant takes a unique smoky flavour that makes it unforgettable!

Now, it's time to take it off the oven, let it cool until you feel comfortable to touch it and then peel the skin off. Melt the eggplant with a fork and add one melt clove of garlic, parsley, one red pepper cut into really small pieces, salt, pepper, olive oil and vinegar. Mix everything together and then you have a delicious creamy dip or side dish or whatever. Try it on crispy break and keep this secret for you!


*For the record, my sources (googling the key phrase "deaths from tzatziki") indicate that no one has ever died from that.. so consume it with no fear!


  1. Thank you so much! I hope you're fine and didn't die from the raw garlic overdose! :)

  2. You don't die from garlic, it is good for blood pressure. :)
